021. Cave Rover 1 Internet Controlled Exploration First Ever Successful test!

021. Cave Rover 1 Internet Controlled Exploration First Ever Successful test!

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Lotus Petal

4 years
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In this episode of Lotus Petal Adventures, we take Cave Rover 1 in cave testing #4. A concept design prototype cave exploration robot, presently in development. We headed to Monroe County, Indiana, for tests of the rover in a cave environment.
Video of our successful test of the CIAD Cave Internet Access Device I have been developing. We sat out after dark, in the cold misty rain to a well known area cave (with permission) to attempt the first true test. We carried the system & both Cave Rover 1 & Internet Equipped Cave Rover 1 robots a few hundred feet into the cave and activated the system. Few anxious seconds of green flashing lights increased and suddenly went solid, we were online! YES! I had 72Mbps Symmetrically to the internet! Went live on Facebook to document the moment and then turned on Cave Rover 1 and let it explore for 2 hours under control from people in Wyoming, Wisconsin and Missouri, before packing it all up for the night and huffing it back to the car and headed home. The feeling of experiencing something that for weeks had only worked in my mind actually work in action was just amazing. Watch for many exciting things to come!
Be sure to subscribe to follow along with the developments of Cave Rover 1, along with other Lotus Petal Adventures. A beautiful day in the Indiana Underground.
The Cave Rover 1 Project is being made possible through donations and sponsorship. We are reaching out for your for help to continue with the development of Cave Rover 1. For further information on how to make a contribution to the project, and to follow along with the developments, please visit https://gofundme.com/caverover1 and also on https://indiegogo.com/projects/cave-rover-1

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Music -
Intersteller Space by John Bartmann
Art of Silence by by Uniq


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