CHSE Test Dive

The Cave ROVer Project Update: Incredible day (with a scary end) with enormous thank you to the days organizer and dive support Jim Lemke, Columbus Indiana Fire Department, Columbus High School, Film/Rover support Trent Gains, Rover support Joseph Bowmer, we were able to conduct needed buoyancy and maneuver tests with the dual sonar on-board in operation at 12.6′ depth. The robot performed fantastically, very pleased, and able to note a slight buoyancy need moving into deeper depths. We were grateful of this opportunity to have not only a controlled test environment but also granted ability to meet with several service corps executives we are presently working with. An unfortunate incident today, which is the very reason we test test test, but due to the high water temps over 80° combined with internal operating temp of 133°, the internal pressure build that typically benefits to hold the water out, rose enough to cause the dome cap pushed out! The system immediately did exactly what it is built to do, the leak sensors screamed alarm, the system launched emergency protocols and surfaced just as the cap came off. On a developer stand point this is a beneficial test to know a point needing addressed and that the system indeed did what it is built to do. So now I can go back and address this to prevent it in the future. The scary personal side is to now do a full complete disassemble fearing any damage that will need financially addressed. But benefit that I designed and built every aspect, I do have the ability to replicate anything needed, just with fear of delay and cost. I’ll be sweating until a full assessment is complete but I’m still calling it a fantastic day.

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