Getting to be a part of a presentation live in California at a makerspace (via Robot, while I’m home in Indiana), and see Cave Rover on the Screen, warms the heart!! So thankful to have such talented, amazing friends and community, truly.
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The Cave Rover Project will be presenting tonight at 7:30pm at the Bloomington Indiana Grotto. See you there!
A Cave Rover Project fan sent some photos of the Cave Rover Stickers!
The Cave Rover Project Update: To better accommodate the ever expanding scientific data display needs of the Robot team, the master control is now equipped with dual 1080p HD displays and incorporated multi camera & sensor display broadcast system to be able
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Ever dream of attending a Caving Organization Grotto Meeting as a robot? You may get that chance tonight 1/8/2020 as the Cave Rover Project presents at the CIG meeting in Indianapolis. Signal permitting, sometime after 730pm EST use your Chrome Browser to:
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The Cave Rover Project Update: Public Appearance this Wednesday 1/8/2020 held by the Central Indiana Grotto. We will be showing the robots and talking about developments in 2019 and what is in store for 2020.
The Cave Rover Project Update: Robot Play Date! Sybergoose Jr and his Telly Bots: Tan’i, Adoreo & Clippy drove 14hrs round trip to spend New Years with the Cave Rover Family! They were online for internet control throughout the New Years.
Letting the internet control the robots in the Cave Rover Laboratories and making new friends.
Cave Rover™ & BrotherBot have been making appearances at the Cave Rover Project Laboratories for Your control. Additionally Big Rover is soon to begin coming online for your control as we explore and adventure. But sure to stay tuned for when we
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The Cave Rover Project Update: What started as a normal day turned into a rather stressful emotional one. I started out deciding to give CaveRover and BrotherBot some needed updates. After extensive operating system updates CaveRover was doing well, went to reboot
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