Chasing Dreams…

Sometimes you find yourself chasing dreams, staring at that unknown, wondering what could lay ahead and thinking “do I go for it”.
Having one of those deep thought days. Rather mentally and physically tired today, These past few months alone, have been extra demanding both highs and lows. So taking a moment to sit. With just some of the positive possibilities coming up this month and next, with the attempt for the first Robot Cave Dive for the project with Cave ROVer in FL this weekend. Then hopefully off to BattleBots in Cali at the end of the month. This project has come to feel so important and mean so much to me, to be able to share excitement in, to come together in adventure and big dreams. But with those opportunities also come heavy demands, mentally, physically and financially too. All of these and more, are primarily out of pocket, from the robots, to all travel costs & involved expenses, while also not having had personal income since Sept. I can honestly say I have no idea how to make these happen, but I’m not giving up! It is in part the wonder of what could be in that unknown, and possible marvelous things that could be shared.
It does weigh on a soul to ask others for help, but if anyone does and is interested in helping, any contribution would truly mean a lot right now. Thank you, I appreciate all of you.
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